parsing_scripts.sample package


parsing_scripts.sample.cel_sample module


Parse a CEL (Affymetrix) file and extract SAMPLE raw data

The probe original id is given by X.Y


parsing_scripts.sample.gpr_sample module


Parse a GPR file and extract SAMPLE raw data

A GPR file is a TAB-delimited file with headers and complete sample raw data information


param1 (string): The column header of the original probe id to parse out. If it is composed by more than one field, put all of them separated with a |. For example X|Y (actual probe ids will be concatenated with dots . in that case)

param2 (string): The column header of the data value you want to parse out

param3 (int): Number of lines to skip

param4 (int): The sample channel (optional)

parsing_scripts.sample.pair_sample module


Parse a PAIR file and extract SAMPLE raw data

A PAIR file is a TAB-delimited file with headers and complete sample raw data information The probe id is given by X.Y to ensure uniqueness and the raw data value is taken from the PM column

param1 (int): Number of lines to skip

parsing_scripts.sample.soft_sample module


Parse a SOFT file and extract SAMPLE description and optionally raw data

param1 (string): The raw data value field, if empty it will be assigned automatically using the sample_column_identifier function

parsing_scripts.sample.trim_quantify module


Trim a FASTQ file using Trimmomatic and quantify using KALLISTO

The result counts will be added to the SAMPLE OBJECT

param1 (bool): True if this FASTQ file has a PAIRED file (forward or reverse), default False

Module contents